Our lab considers a wide range of questions regarding meritocracy, inequality, diversity, and justice. Some of our members focus on race, social class, inheritance, gender, nepotism, politics, discrimination, and more!
Grad Students
Aastha Chadha studies gender inequity, including considering how political and gender ideologies may shape male allies’ willingness to engage.
Angela Shakeri studies diversity, including how age intersects with other prominently-studied social categories, such as gender, to compound or reduce workplace inequalities.
Yejin Park studies inequality, including how non-work factors like religion or play may contribute or mitigate inequality in organizations.
Lillian Kim studies how colleagues’ interpersonal beliefs can affect marginalized groups’ experiences at work.
Undergraduate Students
Management & Organizations (M&O). M&O is a core course for students at Stern, and students from across NYU more broadly are welcome (I see you, Music Business!). Prof. Phillips teaches three sections each year, and we emphasize experiential exercises along with a student-designed research capstone. Prof. Phillips to M&O students, first day of class Fall 2019: “Why are you here, in this course?” Student: “To learn about LIFE!”. We try our best to achieve this lofty goal! Learn more.
SPUR Lab. The Stern Program for Undergradute Research (SPUR) is a great way to get invovled in research, and learn new skills for academic or industry positions! Prof. Phillips leads a SPUR Lab for any students interested in Management & Organizations or Marketing and working with an M&O or Marketing faculty via SPUR. Learn more.
Honors students. The Stern Honors program lets students lead their very own research projects during their final year. Honors is a fantastic capstone experience to your four years at Stern, and a great way to launch into graduate school or research positions. Congrats to MIL Lab Honors students (see below)! Learn more.
Paul Hwang Why Employers Discriminate Against Applicants with Disabilities 2019.
Cathy Zhang The Impact of Job Stress on Preferences for Hierarchy 2018.
Olivia Foster-Gimbel studies social inequity, with a particular focus on understanding allyship: when do dominant group members recognize and give up their privileges on behalf of equity?
Elinor Flynn studies gender- and family-based inequity, including how organizational messages affect women’s advancement, and how inherited privileges (passed through family structures) are justified.
Thea Tomova Shakur studies network-favoritism, including nepotism, cronyism, and internal referrals, and how this form of advantage can undermine meritocracy in organizations.